Sexual Health
From low libido to history of trauma, from “I’m too tired,” to “why is my coo-coo hurting so much every time I try?”
It’s a myth that women have a lower sex drive than men. In fact, we tend to have HIGHER sex drives than our penile counterparts!
Working through sexual health (whether it’s “meh” or “in the toilet”) can make you feel like the most confident, sexiest person on the planet! But we understand that sexual health issues are sometimes embarrassing and frustrating to discuss. We applaud you!
Before you book an appointment, you may want to “brush up” and get a sense of Dr. Bartos’s style by listening to her award-winning, uber-popular podcast, The ME Spot.
Low libido
Relationship and sexual discord
Shame, blame and regret
Sexually transmitted infections
Menopause issues
Erectile dysfunction
Inability to orgasm (anorgasmia)
Partner communication
Healthy sexual behaviors
Sexual identity
LGBTQAI+ issues
Sexual education
Safe sex practices
Improving and optimizing sexual wellness
…and much, much more!