This page is for current members ONLY. If you are a new patient, or a non-member, please call the office to get your appointment scheduled!
For telehealth, please contact the clinic to schedule as these are done only at certain times.
You may be moved to the correct treating provider if needed.
Not yet a member? Join here!
Family Medicine/Thyroid/Adult Physical
If you need your hypertension meds refilled or a diabetes follow up, or thyroid labs followed up, click below:
Mental Health
For ADHD med refills and other issues:
The BUZZ Wellness (weight loss)
If you’re wanting to battle the bulge, let us help you! Book a consult or a follow up here:
Menopause ROCKS (menopausal care with Dr. Bartos)
Gynecology/Thyroid (including Well-woman exams)
For hormone follow ups, PCOS, IUD and other contraception, along with well woman exams, click here:
If you’d like to work with one of the top 5 menopause experts in the country (according to Oprah and Maria Shriver), please check out Dr. Bartos’s schedule here: