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Unleashing the She-Beast Within

Are you ready to tap into your inner she-beast and unleash your full potential?

Join us for an electrifying FREE webinar with Dr. B and Cole Baker Bagwell, fearless advocate for women's empowerment.

In our continuing series of online event, Cole will share her inspiring journey of resilience, transformation, and self-discovery. Now, she's on a mission to help women break free from self-sabotage and step into their power with confidence and grace. From negative self-talk to limiting beliefs, self-sabotage can manifest in various forms and hold us back from realizing our true potential. ESPECIALLY as we hit the hormonal rollercoaster of peri/menopause.

But fear not! In this webinar, Cole and Dr. B will empower you with practical tools and insights to overcome self-sabotage and cultivate a mindset of self-love.

From powerful mindset shifts to actionable strategies for self-love and forgiveness, this webinar is packed with wisdom, inspiration, and practical guidance to help you unleash your inner she-beast and live your best life.

So, grab your favorite beverage, invite your girlfriends (heck, make it a watch party!), and get ready to ignite your inner fire and unleash the she-beast within.

Together, we'll embrace our power, reclaim our voice, and create a life filled with joy, purpose, and fulfillment.

Don't miss out on this transformative sesh!

Register here!

“Every woman has a wealth of good inside of her. Discovering it comes down to wrestling the snakes that guard it.”

Cole Baker Bagwell

April 29

SEX in Menopause: the good, bad and really really really good