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why we gain weight in menopause—and what to do about it!

The apron. That rude menopausal fat pad that spreads across your hips like an inner tube. No matter how hard you try, how clean you eat and how much you crunch (kale, sit ups, take your pick)…it doesn’t. seem. to. budge.

Why does the menopausal woman gain FAT? It’s NOT all hopeless, sis.

Due to OVERWHELMING INTEREST FROM our friends in other states and countries, this month’s menopause Monday is back to being a virtual event, featuring menopausal weight loss tips (no, it’s not just to eat “air”), tricks to strengthen the core and the bones, and fun giveaways. Inbody scans (that measure things like fat and visceral fat) will be super discounted for those who live nearby the clinic. It’s all good and you’re in the company of some amazing sisters who are all on the same weight-loss journey!!!

This event is free-tell your fellow sisters and let’s banish the APRON back to the KITCHEN FOREVER!!!!

RSVP here!!

February 26

Why your heart health is the same as your dad’s.

April 29

SEX in Menopause: the good, bad and really really really good